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 School of Legal Studies & Research ( Approved by BCI )

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School of Legal Studies and Research was established as constituent unit of Sardar Patel University, in the academic session 2020-21.  
It is premier legal Institute with a unique blend of tradition and modernity in Mahakoushal Region of Madhya Pradesh.  
Its mission is to equip the students with the skills to comprehend and diagnose the intricacies of various legal and other inter-disciplinary issues and devise solutions to these problems through analysis and reasoning. The stimulating and interactive academic environment of the School helps to hone the 'DRAIN' ,Drafting, Research, Advocacy, Interviewing and Negotiation- skills of the students.  
To accomplish this, the School arranges a number of curricular and extra-curricular activities. Students are trained in essence of the substantive laws, techniques of procedural laws, methods of client counseling and skills in legal and social sciences research etc.  
The Moot Court Competitions, Client Counseling Sessions, Quiz Contests, Seminars, Group Discussions and Extension Lectures etc. are a regular feature of the academic calendar of the School.  
The School also exposes its students to the 'law in action' through compulsory internships with Hon'ble Judges of District and Session Court Balaghat and Jablapur, eminent lawyers, legal firms, various commissions and NGOs, etc.  
The School’s own Legal Aid Clinic, which provides free legal services to the economically weaker sections of the society as a part of community outreach programme of the Institute, also offers opportunities to the students to work in co-ordination with practicing lawyers.  
The Endeavour behind this action 'process' is to enable the students to understand that the legal professionals, besides their professional responsibilities have a significant bearing on a wide range of persona and transactions as well.

Dr. Jai Prakash Yadav

In Charge Director


Message From Director “Education is a social process. Education is growth. Education is not preparation for life, but education is life itself.” In this era of globalization, the utmost urge is pace. Absolute knowledge of management and corporate wisdom is indeed most important.


S.No. Department Faculty School Name of the Teacher Degination
01 Legal Studies Law School of Legal Studies & Research Dr. Jai Prakash Yadav In-Charge Director
02 Legal Studies Law School of Legal Studies & Research Mr.Kamlesh Kumar Bisen Assistant Professor
03 Legal Studies Law School of Legal Studies & Research Miss.Neelam Patel Assistant Professor
04 Legal Studies Law School of Legal Studies & Research Mr. Shubham Kachhwaha Assistant Professor
05 Legal Studies Law School of Legal Studies & Research Mr.Abhishek Singh Sisodiya Assistant Professor
06 Legal Studies Law School of Legal Studies & Research Miss. Vijita Hazari Assistant Professor
07 Legal Studies Law School of Legal Studies & Research Ms. Vijita Hazari Assistant Professor
08 Legal Studies Law School of Legal Studies & Research Ms.Aditi Trivedi Assistant Professor


S.No. Course Branch Intake Duration Eligibility
01 Law LL.B 120 3 Years Graduation
02 Law LL.M 60 2 Years Law Graduate
03 Law B.A. LL.B. 60 5 Years 12th
04 Law LL.M 60 1 Year Law Graduate